

Date of accreditaion


Total Area

937 ha

Historically, the life of the citizens of Pont-Audemer is closely linked to water. In the 19th century, the city had more than 100 tanneries, and streams were used for the activity but also for transport. This heritage is now changing. Efforts are now focused on the preservation while developing leisure and tourism, with the help of two tools: the PLUI (local inter-communal urban development plan) and the PPRE (provisional program for river restoration and maintenance).

This contributes to preserve and restore the environment (restoring the ecological continuity of the Risle and its tributaries). Citizens are also sensitized (“Génération durable” festival, waste collection), as well as schools, hospitals and businesses for various actions (ponds restoration). Pont-Audemer is the “gateway” to the Ramsar Site “Marais Vernier and Risle Maritime Valley” with different types of wetlands such as ponds, canals, rivers, streams and swamps.

The City of Pont-Audemer manages the ponds by eco-grazing (horses, cattle, solognot sheep). In 2018 and 2019, the city developed this practice by relying on sheep farmers who installed their herds on new sites (runoff basin, wastewater treatment plants, brownfields) representing about 7 ha, thus reducing mechanized interventions. The city has also committed on a differentiated green spaces management approach (late mowing).

The town of Pont-Audemer pursues the study of pond landscaping, consisting of prohibiting access of motor vehicles to the natural site, with a parking belt around the site. This new management was decided in close connection with the fishermen federation. The continuation of the ecological continuity program consists in enhancing the sedimentary transit and allowing the fish going upstream, notably by adapting various city’s hydraulic structures. In 2018 and 2019, several hydraulic structures and a dam were restored. A project concerning the dam of the Madeleine is under study, with a view to its development in 2020.

A local inter-municipal urban development plan has been approved in 2019, aimed at preserving and maintaining wetlands in this territory. The ponds within City of Pont-Audemer limits have been integrated into this plan, which provides their inventory and preservation. The strong link between the gateway town and the Marais Vernier and the Risle Maritime Valley Ramsar Site, highlights the coherence of the actions in order to have a long-term view of the whole territory.

The City of Pont-Audemer is doing its utmost to involve the population and other economic actors in the wetland’s preservation. For example, the Establishment of services and assistance through work (ESAT) has restored its pond with the help of the Regional Natural Park “Boucles de la Seine-Normande”. Various artisanal and industrial businesses are also involved in the differentiated management of the city’s green spaces. A citizen river waste collection was organized and generated the population’s enthusiasm.

The National Symposium of French Ramsar Site was held in Pont-Audemer in October 2016, allowing a focus on the label. The city has participated in the “Generation durable” (sustainable generation) festival for several years, where wetlands are often discussed. This is an opportunity for the public to participate in conferences and field visits. The Regional Natural Park periodically organizes visits to the ponds (fauna and flora). The tourist office also organizes 2 to 3 visits a year with the Ramsar label as theme. Finally, an association is being created to involve more citizens.

Work has been done to eliminate pollution from direct discharges, particularly in the Tourville River and in the Doult Vitran stream. The city has also acquired three alleys (short narrow lane between two streets) and will carry out development and sanitation networks compliance work. Following recent controls, other direct discharges are being removed to improve water quality.


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